What books to mass murdering white boys read in school?
What God do they pray to?
Is it God at all?
Is white supremacism God?
If the internet makes white boys murderers, what does it do to Black boys?
If the internet makes white boys murders, do white boys need access to the internet?
Did the Buffalo murder have a Black teacher?
Did his daddy send his Black teacher an email degrading her for teaching him the word ‘intersectionality?’
Did his mama sit in his Black teacher’s class and question her integrity in front of her class of 30 students?
Was that just me?
Is there a course in someone’s educators’ education program that prepares Black educators for the reality of teaching white boys who want to kill them?
Could Black teachers afford it?
How much grief can one body handle?
Can it stop your heart?
Is grief a mass murderer too?
This blog post is part of the #31DaysIBPOC Blog Series, a month-long movement to feature the voices of indigenous and teachers of color as writers and scholars. Please CLICK HERE to read yesterday’s blog post by Dr. Joy B Johnson (and be sure to check out the link at the end of each post to catch up on the rest of the blog series).